Who are we?

ILleak is a group that collects confidential information of Israeli sites, persons and companies, and provides them to you on this site.
So far, we have collected different records of information belonging to more than 8 millions Israelis.
We have information that will be available to you on this site. We are going to add information to the site over time, and you can follow the news from this channel.



We are not affiliated with any organizations, so we need financial assistance to purchase information. thus You can send us your don![]ation via donate button. And be sure that this is a great opportunity for you to take apart in this huge anti zion project and support Palestine.


Get in touch

You can use the information from the site. And you can also provide any kind of information related to military, defense, educational and economic systems and individuals and companies of Israel for free or paid to our experts so that it can be placed on this site for public use.

We welcome any kind of technical and specialized cooperation and your information in the way of carrying out the important and vital mission. In some parts of the site, we charge you for disclosing information.